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Our hearts dwell in the heights of the great Sierra Nevada mountains, in the salty sea breeze of the blue Pacific ocean, in the clear starry night skies of the California desert. Our spirit is rooted in the tradition of our namesake Marshall Monroe. An explorer, creator, dreamer, and conservationist. The legend is in the 1890’s Monroe spent his days in solitude; discovering the wilderness, collecting thoughts, and writing his love story. He spent his nights gazing into the vastness of space, pondering the immense natural spaces and resources he so adored. Resolved to ensure they remain unspoiled for future generations.



Surviving at times with only what he could carry on his back, Monroe meticulously crafted equipment that could sustain him with his life essentials. From this most basic need emerged his creative ethos; simple yet highly functional designs. Inspired by his philosophy, at Monroe Goods we honor this tradition today while exploring modern materials and contemporary styles relevant to life in the 21st century; and continuing Monroe’s legacy of environmental stewardship.



We believe we all share the responsibility to change our world for the better. Empowered by even the simplest choices we make every day, like what we buy, the food we eat, and how we move around our cities. Our big decisions also have impact, so we chose to build Monroe Goods on a foundation of mindful design and social responsibility. With a focus on sustainable materials and business practices, we are committed to supporting positive environmental change in our local communities while offering quality Goods; lovely to look at, enjoyable to use, and work well time after time. An adventure Marshall would be proud of.

We craft bags inspired by a tradition of simplicity & function. Designing elegant carry solutions that empower people to move freely, bringing along life essentials with minimal fuss & environmental impact.
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